Thursday, April 9, 2009


- The Final 4 is history, what a time in Downtown Detroit! I went down there after the State-UConn game (My boys did it!) And it was like being in a steroid-induced East Lansing! The 1000's of people I saw were overwhelmingly rocking the Green and White. And it looked good I must say as an alum.
- Unfortunately the fellas ran into a machine called Carolina on Monday. Hey, it happens. I had UNC as national champs at the start of the year and Tournament, so I am not surprised how Monday played out. For the fans who were calling in to sportstalk shows on Tuesday, let me say this clearly: Calling timeouts would not have helped Sparty, unless they could get JRich, Z-Bo, Magic and maybe Special K in uniform. Carolina was just not going to lose. Period.
- My boys could have played better, but they were not big enough, accurate enough or experienced enough to win on Monday. Maybe next year. Two things, then I'm done with this.
1) Maybe the Spartans can take this whipping and use it to fuel the run like UNC did last year after losing to Kansas in the Final 4. 2) Funny how 2 of the 3 announcers on the pregame picked State to win, Seth Davis and Greg Anthony, I believe.
- So President Conyers has her own show. Wow, that is unbelievable. My only beef with this is, how can somebody who is so poorly spoken, able to get a Talk Show? Damn Charles Barkley! He has made it not only acceptable, but maybe even desirable to sound functional (old school)
and yet be a host.
- Unbelievable, but don't forget, y'all can write her in for mayor. Please.
- So the DPS is over $300 million in the hole and the system is in deep trouble? Wow, no one ought to ever criticize another parent who pulls their child and puts them in an alternative, charter or private school situation. The board has shown they are either too incompetent or duplicitous in this criminally sad scenario to ever have full control of the budget again.
- So exactly which members were looking out for the children's best interests, while some others were backing up the truck to rob the citizens blind? And just how did no one notice the almost 600 people on the payroll without active, functioning jobs? WTF?
Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
- Looking at my Gucci, its about that time, big ups Doug E. I received a call from a publisher that I may have to consider for my 1st book to get out. They actually sent me a contract offer, not what I was looking for, but it may serve the purpose I need it to.
The Bible says to not despise the day of small beginnings. I told the rep on the other end of the phone, that I will consider what they are looking to do, and then get back with them by the end of next week. This will be a decision that I pray on majorly, because it is reaching a point where I would like to see something happen, but I have to stay focused on what God wants to have happen in my life!
- I am not the only person to go through anything like this, I'm sure. To anyone else looking at this king of scenario, all I can say is trus tin the Lord, with all of thine heart and lean not to your own understanding, but in all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Friday, April 3, 2009



- It's almost Gametime for the Final 4! I was just down at Ford Field for the practice sessions and I must say, Detroit, you are doing it! The area looks good, the boys are in full effect and everyone is having a good time (despite an unusual chill for early April).

It will be on and crackin tomorrow when MSU goes up against UConn! I am looking for a Spartan W, but will not be surprised if the Huskies pull it out. Both teams match up well against the other. The X-factors in my eyes are, Stanley Robinson for UConn (dude is becoming a beast!) and Durrell Summers for MSU. He is the type who makes plays.

Back at It Again

- Council President Monica Conyers was insulting to fellow councilmembers and Detroiters overall when she in public, demeaned fellow councilmember Sheila Cockrel. Cockrel is the widow of Ken Cockrel Sr., late famed Detroit Attorney. But not only was she insulting, and even worse, this outburst caused NO WORK to be done about the Cobo mess. WHy does a personal issue take precedence over the work for the city she claims to love?

- Also, Cockrel apparently strong-armed the Housing Dept. into hiring her felonious brother for a 2-year period that was to last only 90 days. This type of nepotism and nefarious practice can do nothing but hurt an already hurt city. Detroit, it is high time that this cancer on the Council be removed, if not by a recall, then by NOT reelecting her in November. Do the Right thing Detroit!

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- Be safe this weekend, everyone. God is looking for those who will shine brightest in dark places and those who will emanate the glow of Calvary to a World rapidly descending towards Hell. Do what you Know He wants you to do.

That's it, just a Quickie. Holla back at you sooner than you think. Peace.

Thursday, April 2, 2009



- Shouts out to Rakim. I took off just over 2 weeks to take care of some personal matters, but now I am back! Its good to be back in the mix.

- Now Y'all know I'm not one to brag, but Dang! Did I hit it or not on this NCAA Tournament? 3 out of 4 Final Four teams ain't bad. (Ok, I missed on UConn). But I can live with that. My Spartans are decided underdogs against UConn, but we were just there against Louisville. Izzo is becoming (or maybe has become) the best short-turnaround coach in the business. With the 5 days between the last game and this Saturday 5:47 tip-off, I am sure he's been cooking up some good stuff for Jim Calhoun and the Huskies.

- My boys in Green are doing the thang, but there are some concerns. One, Raymar Morgan has got to find his game. Since he has been back from illness, he's looking more like Matt Steigenga than the dog he's been earlier in the year. There is an APB out for the Raymar Morgan of the 1st Semester. Raymar, we need you aginast Connecticut, fella.


- The Tar Heels are the No Doubt favorites left. 'Nova has done a wonderful job in negotiating their region, but I think the buck stops here. Tyler, Ty, Danny, Wayne, Deon, etc. are just Too Much, Too Good, Too Ready, Too Talented and just Too of everything to let this chance get away. If Nova just had one more legit player above 6'8", I'd be real concerned.

Let Them Play, Ref!

- This is an SOS to all of the game officials: Let the players play this weekend. No one is coming from all over the country to watch how many times the refs can make "Big time" calls. No one is coming to my hometown for Ed Hightower and crew to hog up air time. No one has been planning for months to hit The Big D so that the zebras can be the One Shining Moment of the weekend. I implore you to allow the players to decide the games.

- Obviously do your jobs, no one wants to see anyone be robbed because of silent whistles; but also no one wants to spend an incessant amount of time digesting the latest and greatest WTF call by an official. Remember the golden rule of officiating: you had a great game if no one noticed you were there.

Obvious Book Plug of The Day:

- Everyday we have is a gift from God. He blesses us to see each 24 so that at some point, we will glorify Him. Find your way to do what you do to give Him the glory. Remember, we are His workmanship, we are the sheep of His pasture; it is He that has made us and not we ourselves. Our destiny is completely based in our seeking His will for our lives, and in whatever distinctive method and gifting that He has made available to us, that is how we should please Him. Do what you do and glorify the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior!

Just wanted to Hit Y'all Up Quick Fast & in a Hurry. Don't worry, my vision ain't Blurry.

Be Blessed everyone!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Are What?

We Are What?

- A recent column based on a study states that fewer Americans are claiming an organized religion. He goes on to give numbers that fewer people claim to be Christian, etc. He then states that the scandals in various religious groups are most responsible for this downward trend.

I have a different view on that. Perhaps the downward cycle of people claiming religion is a direct representation of the downward trend that society is clearly going into. Fewer people subscribe to a faith, more people subscribe to lawlessness and anarchy as we are witnessing in this day unlike any other.

Rather than looking at religion as the bad guy, the columnist is excusing the desertion of a facet of life that is designed to bring about a more peaceful, positive focus on this challenging world in which we live.

Might I suggest, that rather than encourage people to just join a religion, how about people just try Jesus? Being a Christian is so much more than having a religion. It is to change one's life into making it into that of the only begotten Son of God. It is not a religion that people need, it is a change of lifestyle and even that of life. Try Jesus.

Are We supposed to be Stupid or What?

- The shamockery that is the Bailout for the Finance Industry continues to irritate me. I'm not going to harp on how Congress in 2008 just gave the finance companies and CEOs basically vaultfuls of money with no oversight. But now we see, that AIG, ground zero of this economic mess, is still giving away $165+ million dollars in bonuses. Am I supposed to be ok with that? Are the American people supposed to be ok with that? Are we supposed to be that stupid?

The autoworkers' union was told to give up concessions or watch their employers go into bankruptcy. Yet and still, AIG can say "We had to honor our contracts which called for bonuses." Somebody needs to go to AIG and shut them down! President Obama is calling for the Treasury Department to do whatever can be done to either stop the bonuses or stop the payments to AIG.

AIG, for those who don't know, was the company whose risky investing started the domino effect known as this recession we are in. Their methods in trading should call for heads to roll, not bonuses to be doled out. It is sheer insanity that they say they cannot do anything BUT pay the previously agreed to bonuses. They should either pay back the money owed ASAP (with penalties), or they should just watch their company go under.

We're not that stupid.

Obvious Book Plug of The Day:

- For me, to write is to live. It took some time for me to really enjoy the process of putting thoughts. ideas, et. al on paper. But now, this gift is more than just a gift. It makes me feel so good to be able to express myself in this fashion. Let me paraphrase my man Train. When you can do your thing and share it with others, it's a beautiful thing indeed.

I may not be like Jordan on the court, Ashe on the circuit or Tiger on the links. But man, I tell you, when I can get on the keyboard and bang out what's in my mind, it does my mind good like a drug, my body good like milk, and my spirit good overall. Soon enough, the world will be able to see what God ha given me the ability to do and when that happens, it's shouting time for real. But being a good Christian, I'm not going to wait until then, I'll shout and praise Him in advance!

Monday, March 16, 2009



- And now, we get another challenger for the Big Seat in the Manoogian, as of Saturday Night. Councilman Kwame Kenyatta announced his candidacy for the position of mayor of the Big D. So that makes Kenyatta, Mrs. Conyers (who's trying to slip her name out as a write-in candidate), as well as the winner of the run-off election in May, the winner of said election in May, countless others who will throw their names in the hat between now & August, and a partidge in a pear tree.

Mr. Kenyatta said in an interview that he will be the type of mayor that can connect with the people in a way unlike any since Coleman Young. Wow. C. Young did not always connect with people, he was devisive to the Metro area and became the epitome of a career politician whose individual agenda at times, subverted the best for the majority. I'm not sure if that is the best for Detroit in 2009. We shall see.

I'm sorry, call me a rapidly developing cynic re: Politics in the Big Mo, but the position of mayor should have such a high bar attached to it, that only those of the finest records and public acclaim, should even consider themselves worthy of putting together the right campaign for it. It seems to be kinda cheapened when anyone with the fee to enter/names on petitions or whatever, throw their proverbial hats in the ring.

I have no beef with Mr. Kenyatta, do not know him, and cannot say if his record on the Council makes him worthy of the biggest job in the city. I do hope that if he does run, and win, that he does he very level best to return the D to its place in the country and world. I'm not sure if lookling back is the best way to go forward.

She's Out & About

- Christine Beatty was released from jail this morning after serving 67 days in Wayne County. I can say after having everything shake down after the trial that started it all, her behavior on the witness stand was Ground Zero. I can't help but think that if she had not been so obtuse and outright defiant, things may have gone differently. IMO, I said, if I was a lawyer, I'd be most likely to keep digging too, with her antics on the stand. Little did I know at the time, that she and Kwame knew about the text mesgs, etc.

But that was then, I digressed. She seemed so very humble upon her release, but still showed some attitude by the amount of media covering her at the jail this morning. She seemed anxious ot get home to see her children, no issue there. She did seem surprised and even agitated that movement was a little difficult. However, this was a big story and coverage was reflective of that. I think that she was hoping for a little less pub on this.

Here's hoping that she can reshape her life. Being divorced (with children), a felon, barred from getting into the legal profession and attached to a major scandal will be tough barriers to overcome. With much work and a renewed spirit, the possiblity is there. She has her 2nd chance now, I hope she can get the kind of sweetheart gig Kwame got. I've said from the start that both of them should get the exact same treatment. Step up (again), Mr. Karmonos.

Are U Ready?

- In the words of Flavor Flav, "Yeeeeeah Boyeeee!" Big ups, PE. The Madness is ready to begin. I'm not gonna trip on teams that shouldn't have gotten in (Arizona, take a bow). Those types of teams usually get dropped by the 1st weekend anyway. The Tournament will be underway Thursday @ 12, and it will be on and crackin for 3 weekends.

My Spartans are #2 in the Midwest and of course, people are picking Louisville to run through the region. All I can say is that to beat a good pressing team, it helps to have a dynamic point guard (Kalin Lucas) and a runing team to take advantage of the opportunities the press creates. With those horses, Izzo can make it happen. All I can say is, the regional final in Indy could look like the 500 with all of the running expected to take place.

My pick is, and has been for the entire season, UNC. Too many horses, too much firepower, too much experience, too good a coach, too much of everything. As long as Duke does not win, I will be happy. If UNC or State wins, I will be estatic. I expect to be smiling come 3 weeks from now in one way or another.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- I am headed into a conference designed to bring about some major decisions re: You're A Winner! (In Jesus Christ). The delays will be removed, the gas pedal will be hit, and some real progress will be made. In this climate, things are moving slower than expected, but into each life, some rain must fall.

I am no less confident in God's ability to make things happen than ever, and I am so excited about what He intends to do. In any case, I hope to list some progress very soon. His grace is sufficient for all that we stand in need of, so give Him the praise!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Short and Sweet

Short & Sweet

- Today's post will be Short & Sweet. Nothing too detailed today, but enough to whet your appetite hopefully for more.

Don't Worry, Be Happy

- Believe you me, I understand that today's climate economically, socially, etc. is shaky. Not since the great earthquake of 06 has the land been this unstable. However, I must say that today's society does not only feed on negativity, it thrives on it! It's like Ghostbusters 2 (The Classic, lol) where NYC and its residents could only get excited about the worst of the worst.

Well, The D is truly there now. Everything, it seems, on the news is negative. So much so that my Pastor, E.N. Jennings, Sr. had the church to avoid the news for a week. Believe you me, it does the spirit good. With nothing but layoffs, bailouts, crime, scandals, confrontations, drug use, stds on the rise, et. al., the mind of man needs to not only avoid the negative, but also someway, somehow, embrace the positive.

I know that sounds like some Bobby Mc Ferrin stuff there, but for real, Think Positively and Grow Rich. Things Will Change! But they must first start in the Mind.

Where's Martha?

- Everyday, the Clueless Council gives us something else to laugh at. This week, Martha Reeves said that Jay Leno's free concert for unemployed workers in the detroit area should not be @ the Palace (Donated for free, I may add), but in Detroit.

You see, Leno made the faux paus of talking about Detroit for the concert, but then set the concert @ the Palce of Auburn Hills. Again, the Palace was donated. As this will be the weekend of the Final Four, the larger Detroit venues are not readily available. Madam Reeves does not care, and then not only insisted Leno do the show in Detroit, but then had the temerity to tell him, Auburn Hills is 90 minutes away! I've worked in Auburn Hills for 4 years, I'm sorry, but the drive there from downtown Detroit is 45 minutes, tops.

Besides, Leno is doing a benefit for workers in the area, regardless of how close to Detroit they are. Martha, it is ok if he donates his gift for free at the Palace. Get a clue and focus on the bigger issues, madam Councilwoman.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- God has called you into His Marvelous light for a Purpose. Let HIM guide you, and allow you to be the ligth of the World Jesus was referring to in Matthew's Gospel. Your salvation was not just to keep you out of Hell, but so that your life and testimony would be a blessing, gift, etc. to those that you come into contact with. Even on your worst of days, you can shine into someone else's life that is immersed in the darkness of these trying times.

Be Good y'all, told you I was being short. Deuces!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009



* I took a few days off celebrating my birthday. Had to thank God for 38 glorious years. Even in the days and nights that I could not realize how much He was carrying me, God has at least allowed me to become cognizant of His ever-abiding presence. To all of my brothers and sisters who I grew up with that are not here today, to them and you I say, God is still good!

Goodbye & Good Riddance?

- And now the Kwame Kilpatrick era is officially over? A judge ruled just a few hours ago that former mayor Kilpatrick can go to Texas to begin his job with Covisint. We all know that the job was a gift from Peter K., owner of Compuware for the sweet deal on the Compuware Building. So Kwame takes said gig, goes to Dallas, is never heard from again, should have the restitution bill being paid on a monthly basis and all's well that ends well, right?

Here's the kicker. He has filed a $100 million lawsuit against Skytel for exposing the very text messages that caused much of the drama for the last 14 months. So a new fight has begun, where, at some point Kwame will be coming back to The D for statements, testimony and the like. It remains to be seen whether the texts are considered public property (the pagers WERE city government property) or private domain (there was an apparent understanding that private messages could be sent). In any case, my fair Detroiters, we have NOT seen or heard of the last of Kwame Malik Kilpatrick. Like a bad movie, this just keeps going on and on and ...

BTW, what is the betting line that in about 6 years, Kwame returns to The D, "reformed and matured," and ready for a new run at city politics? God help us if so.

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

- So the City Clueless Council is ready to go to court over the veto by Mayor Cockrel. This nightmare continues over Cobo Hall. If this plays out for long, regardless of the possible outcome, what are the chances that the regional authority proposition dies on the vine? And then, what exactly happens?

Are we to rely on a Council that has been so far unable to draft a workable plan to renovate the rapidly dilapidating building? And then we watch as the Rock Financial building in Novi starts to gobble up several events and the Palace or other suburban entities make headway on more events until the few events that Detroit has coming through Cobo are rendered meaningless and powerless to stop the pitiful complete washout of the "Jewel of the City?"

C'mon people! This is an utter cluster! This will not end up good for the City. The posturing of politicians with an overinflated sense of self is pathetic. There are other pressing items on the agenda. Let's not get started on the school system, police response time, dwindling tax base or any myriad of other concerns. Council! Wake up and let's get Cobo taken care of! There is only one way to handle your business, and that's to handle it.

You're All Mad!

- Thank God! It is just about that time of the year! Less than 10 days away before the start of the NCAA Tournament. The conference tourneys are going and I am getting so geeked up! My Spartans are on a warpath, looking to begin a campaign destined to end @ Ford Field for the Final Four. The UNC Tar Heels just put it on Duke, buzzer beaters are coming in from Sioux Falls and all over. Life feels good.

- In addition to the Spartans and Heels, the other Final Four teams will come from this group:
Louisville, Oklahoma, Villanova, Missouri and outside shot for LSU. Pitt will meet the wrong team in the Sweet 16, and UConn will choke in the Elite 8. Call it a hunch.

- As a lifelong sports fan, there is no better time of the year for me than the first 2 days of the Tournament. The upsets, game-winning shots and hot runs of players seemingly out of nowhere. The cats like Bryce Drew, Patty Mills, Kent State, Ed Pinckney and VCU. It's the real "Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- It's real simple. As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thine ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

- Trust God and He will cause for your gifts to bring you before great men!

Peace in the Middle East. I'm out like shout.

Friday, March 6, 2009



- It is finally Friday, and I am glad to see the week go out! The news clips of the City Council (most specifically the 4 Divas) singing old church hymns was enough to both laugh my head off and also shake my head in dusgust (You try doing both at the same time). It is sad that everyday Detroit has to find itself in the punchline of a comedian's routine because of what is done by the political leadership.

It is like a man who shoots himself in the foot get mad at the people who notice how much blood is being lost and then cusses them out for noticing the damage that was done. Get it together, people, dare I say, leaders.

Finally (II)!

- My MSU Spartans are again the champions of the Big Ten, outright, no sharing. It is another feather in the cap of Coach Tom Izzo and the brave 12 from East Lansing. It is the first Big Ten title in about 8 years, since 2001. It makes you say wow, why has it taken so long, but also job well done.

- The Spartans are still an outside shot to get a Number 1 seed for the upcoming NCAA Tournament. If they go on and win the Big Ten Tournament after the season, they will be no less than a #2, and depending on how everything else shakes down, a #1 to go along with North Carolina, UConn/Pitt (whoever wins the Big Beast) and probably Oklahoma (depending on how the Blake Griffin injury is viewed).

- All of Sparta herself (I mean East Lansing and her sons) are basking in the continued climb that Izzo and Co. are approaching since this team is clearly the most talented one since the championship team of 2000. Good luck fellas.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- The key to being blessed as a Child of God is to walk in your calling. Do what God has called you to do. Do not covet or desire someone else's gifts or position. Do this because God has specifically called you to fill the role He has designed for You.

You know why no one else has Your story? Because you have been set up to tell it to someone who needs to hear Your story. Your story, life, skills, gifts were all designed to contribute to the Kingdom of God. God does not need us to try to duplicate and replicate what someone else does; He has fearfully and wonderfully made us as individuals, with an individual assignment to address.

If you are not sure what Your purpose is, go to God. Ask Him, "Why have I been allowed to see thhis, or go through that?" Or ask "Why do I have this talent or that talent?" God will show you, nay all of us, Why He made us like He did if we ask Him.

- It took me a long time to stop running like Jonah (In my mind & spirit) and embrace what God has called me to. I love the fact that I love what He has called me to (now). It was not easy, nor did I always readily accept it. But let my life be a lesson to you. Don't lose years on end trying to figure it out. Remember God will not beat you up for seeking His will. In fact, it's the total opposite. He encourages it, and He is encouraging you to do so. Just Do It.

Peace. Be Good.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are You Serious?!?

* Unfortunately, It Does Not Look For The 3 Men Lost at Sea.

Are You Serious?!?
- OMG, I was watching the news today, only to see a long, fearful rant by The City Council. No, not Conyers this time, but by Barbara Rose Collins. She was at first sounding off about her (and others) fears of losing control of Cobo. Nothing new there. But then, there were some spectators (or possible other members) who then shouted various other Detroit-held entities that they feared could be lost as well.

They cried out about the Water Board, The DIA (THE Hidden Jewel of Detroit, IMO) and other landmarks. Their concern could have some validity. What ALSO has validity is how they (and prior Councils) have wasted away the inherent values of some of these landmarks, by not utilizing correct oversight and proper maintenance and sound fiscal policies. Council members, you can rant and rail all you want about losing control, but my question is, what are YOU leaving behind for future generations of Detroiters? Are you going to be leaving viable landmarks, or just shells of what used to be? You all are just like Nero, playing while Rome burned.

The Man is About Business

- The President is at it again. President Obama is fastidiously attempting to not only address the ills that he talked about on the campaign trail, but he is also trying to attack the problems that have been deep rooted in this country. Next up on his hitlist: Healthcare.

He was meeting today with the various parties that impact and affect healthcare across this country. His meetings were public (unlike Clinton's), and he is considering and examining ways to make healthcare a national opportunity for all. What many do not seem to realize is that healthcare costs account for MANY personal bankruptcies. It was reported approximately that 1.5 million people annually file for bankruptcy due to healthcare costs and concerns. Shameful.

No president has been effectively able to get a handle on this issue since Theodore Roosevelt. Well, President Obama, some 100 years later is aiming at it now. Here's one man hoping, unlike Limbaugh, that he does NOT fail. I have children who will be impacted by this.

New Life for the Pistons?

- Are the Detroit Pistons making a new run with approximately 20 games to go? They have won their last three games, beating Orlando, Boston and Denver (In Chauncey Billups' return to Tha D). Let's look a little closer at this.

1) The Orlando W was a good win, no other way to look at it. The Pistons got one in against the team they have beaten in the last two playoffs, a team whose number they seem to have.

2) The Boston victory came against a Celtic team without Kevin Garnett, who quite frankly, OWNS Rasheed Wallace. Since KG came to Boston, they have spanked the Pistons repeatedly, so his absence obviously played into Sheed regaining his game against Beantown's Best.

3) The Denver game was the most hollow win I must remark. How, some will ask, since Billups came back and gave Stuckey 35? A little known fact is that Carmelo Anthony was not playing, sent home because of a suspension. In the NBA, if a team does not have its best player and leading scorer on the road, those teams have 1 win & 25,000 losses (The Buffalo Braves won once when Bob McAdoo had the flu in '76). So that game almost doesn't count.

In any respects, it is time for the bugler player to get ready to hit taps in about 8 weeks, when Round 1 of the playoffs is done and the Pistons join me at the crib to watch the rest of the teams play for it all.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- A word to the Wise. I almost got caught up with an unscrupulous "agent." Literary agents, like all agents go on behalf of their client in order to procure book deals. I have info from one such agent and was advised to send in my manuscript, etc. Well, I had to look up their website before sending my info in.

As it turns out, this company is a well-known scam artist and is infamous for charging fees for editing, layouts, et. al. I am soooo glad that I did not send them anything of real note or cost. I have worked too hard for this, and God is going to make those things that are invisible to become seen so that HIS will may be done and He is given all the glory! It shall come to pass, It shall be done! In Jesus' name, it shall be!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


* Before we get into Anything else, We want to send out a prayer for the families of the 3 brothers lost in the Gulf of Mexico.

A Second Chance at Life?

- I am at a loss trying to explain the sympathy and empathy for those families who are still searching for the men whose ship was capsized on Saturday afternoon. Because 2 men were NFL athletes, that neither makes their disappearance more important than the other gentlemen, nor does it make their potential loss any greater.

The 3rd gentleman, whose name I am not familiar with, is a person just as valuable to society as are Corey Smith and Marquis Cooper, he's just not as well-known. Our deepest prayers are covering both them and their families. We are hoping that God does the miraculous and allows for a safe return to all of those men.

A Do Over?

- There are reports that Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr. is contemplating a veto of the City Council's idiotic decision to renovate and resuscitate Cobo Center and transition its ownership into a regional authority. I believe that the majority of people who wanted the renovation plan to be voted down were fearing that Detroit would lose control of one of its landmarks. I hate to be redundant, what is the purpose of controlling something that is dying on the vine?

The issue should not be one of control, but one of what's best for the city, region and state as a whole. It is the 21st Century, people let's get past the rhetoric and fears of 30-35 years ago. I know how vital ownership is in any city, but how much more important is the viability and vitality of Cobo Center?

A Do Over? (Pt. 2)

- When the Pistons blew the 2nd pick in 2003 on Darko Milicic (passing on Carmelo, Bosh, etc.) I thought Dwyane Wade would have been the ideal pick to blend in with Rip Hamilton & Chauncey Billups, and eventually grow into a replacement for either.

When Detroit drafted Rodney Stuckey last year, he was cited as having the same kind of game as guess who? You got it, Mr. Wade. I did not think so after watching him play last year, and am pretty sure after 3/4 of this season being completed. Wade played the point guard position as a rookie because he is a rather unselfish player who learned to share the ball on the way to a Final Four appearance as a junior. Stuckey on the other hand, was always a shooting guard, who was not known as a willing passer or lead guard-type.

To take a fellow who's always been an off-guard and then say (at the highest level of the sport), let's change you to a lead guard is a BIG switch and hard to do. It's hard enough to just go from college to the pros as is, but this is not working, so far. Since he is young, Stuckey may become another in the long line of great Piston guards, but he is not D. Wade, the remix or remake.

Obvious Book Plug of The Day:

- I came across information on an agency that long ago viewed a prior copy of my manuscript. I decided to resubmit it to review for a possible second opportunity of representation. I am going to wait with baited breath (what does that mean, anyway?) for a communication back from them on it. If they are pleased with it, we may look to run with them. They do fit the criterion set by the editor I had been contacting on this matter. As things progress, be sure to stay tuned for the next update on this one.

Be Easy, Y'all.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What Is Going On?

Day 61:

What's Going on Peoples?

- Some Interesting things going on over this weekend.

1) I witnessed Monica Conyers, President of the Detroit City Council on the news, in studio. She was in a forum re: last week's debacle on Cobo Center and other political issues. In a word she is an Abomination as a city leader. She is a law school graduate, and boy does she give those with a juris doctorate a bad name. She was very unprofessional, she appeared to have an attitude more in-line with the sisters at the beauty shop, than that of one in charge of running a city that is in the Top 10 in the country.

How can Detroit feel good about itself, knowing that if things got ugly, she could be in the big chair, making all of the big decisions? You talk about a disgrace on the national scene? Kwame who? Fugheddaboutit. She is crass, rude, curt and screams, "I only got here because of my last name!" Speaking of which, has anyone ever asked why is it that her "husband," Congressman John Conyers, is NEVER seen with her? Just a question to consider...

2) I caught most of the Phoenix-LA Lakers game on Sunday afternoon. I noticed the trend that has been plaguing the NBA, and to a lesser degree, the NFL. It is a trend that disgusts me and I find completely unacceptable. It is cheering for the opposition. Early on in the game, Kobe "It's Still All About Me" Bryant was getting more than his fair share of cheers. I was continously looking at the floor and arena to verify the game was in Phoenix, not LA.

A few weeks back, the crowd at MSG serenaded him with chants of MVP when he shot his way to over 50 points. The fact that he gained all of 3 assists notwithstanding, it was a despicable scene. Why would fans of the opposing team cheer for the best player of the team that is trying to beat your team? I don't think that the Bad Boys were EVER cheered in Chicago, Philly or Beantown, yet these watered-down fans today will cheer for the man who wants to send them home, crying over the fact that their team lost. Insane to a man who grew up on sports. I can honestly say I remember my first games before having my first memory of church. And I am a preacher!

3) Word is, Snoop Dogg, the Doggfather, blunt smoking, reality tv host and self-proclaimed pimp, has joined the Nation of Islam. He says he is an "advocate of peace," yet and still, he is not a Christian? It seems to me, that if I am an advocate of peace, I would want to be down with the Prince of Peace. The Prince of Peace is not named Louis Farrakhan, but Jesus Christ! I am continually amazed at how many of our brothers still think that being a Christian is not synonymous with being a strong Black man. Today, more than ever, Pastors and preachers assert their Blackness and Strength without compromise AND are saved!

The day of the shuffling, mumbling, compromised Black preacher is gone. Their are too many brothers doing the right thing in the pulpit and out of the pulpit to make the excuse that the Pastor/Preacher is just a pimp and he don't stand for what's right. That is a tired cop-out, and somebody needs to call these brothers together and let them know that to be righteous, you don't run away from the Church, but you need to run to it. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Dr. Michael Dyson, you all are ministers, men of the cloth. You have the ears of so many influential Black men, speak up! Or do you just want the position without the responsibility. That's real.

4) The Republican Party may be the biggest hypocrites the World has ever known. I've watched and read several media outlets where the RNC decries every facet of President Obama's stimulus and economic plans. They say they now are crying out to change Washington, yet and still, they were arm-in-arm when Bush took us into the throes of this economic crisis. Where were there protests then? How can they not associate themselves with the decisions then and now say that they have the solution? How can they continue to insult our intelligence and expect us to swallow what they are shoveling and not regurgitate it due to the fact that it is hypocrisy at its finest and garbage at its worst.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
- I got an email from a publisher who is willing to partner with me on getting my book out. It will come with some cost for me, though. Now that is antithetical to me in part. My thought is, if I am producing the work from first page to last, why would I need to pay to get it out? The flip side is, if I am not willing to put money into this project, why would I expect anyone else to? It is something that I will have to prayerfully consider, before making a final decision. Keep reading this blog, and you may know before the publisher does.

Peace, Love and Hair Grease.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


DAY 57:

- In an unbelievably depressing and distressing move, a reported 10% of eligible voters voted in the mayoral primary in Detroit on February 24. 10%? Are you friggin kidding me? Detroit, what in the blue hell are you thinking?!? People around the country already think Detroiters don't care about crap, are out of touch with what's important and are uneducated; so what do Detroiters do? Rally out record-breaking numbers to show the haters they are off point? No, a thousand times no! They pull out some 10% turnout crap.

On the heels of President Obama's history-defining election in, Detroiters went backwards to the 1940's with this mess. Detroit is not going to be rescued by a bailout, grand social program or by a gift donation from Bill Gates. Detroit, it is time to get off of the collective duff, focus in on what can be controlled and make the grab of power by using the best weapon you have: the vote.

Don't let May's general election look like this. Please.


- Continuing down this political street, is the City Council on drugs? I cannot believe that the Cobo Center expansion was defeated, also on February 24. So, exactly who will be picking up the check to renovate Cobo now? A great story was shown on Channel 4 just after the news broke of the decision to decline the long-worked out, best option to improve the aging landmark. Cobo is in serious need of being refubished.

That monica conyers character is out of control! I do not want to hear about using the Stimulus money for Cobo's refurbishing (Gov. Granholm already said it cannot be used that way). So just how does the Council figure they are going ot make this happen? This just in, they have not done it in the last 15 years (at least), so why would I think they can make it happen now? BTW, Detroit now has to cover that $15 million dollar tab for Cobo that the new authority would have taken. Are they on crack or what?

Get ready to say goodbye to the Auto Show, Detroit.


And speaking of the Council, there needs to be some changes. Fundamental changes. Like, one, why does the person with the most votes become the president? Should not seniority play some part in the matter of leading the Council that should rep the city? Or how about an election within the council itself, perhaps 30 days after the new term begins so that it becomes evident after some weeks 2gether, who is the best person for the job.

That conyers character is an absolute clown. She is no representative of a forward-thinking city. She is an absolute embarrassment to politics in the 21st century. That she is in the position she is makes Detroit seems like a 3rd-rate, backwater town somewhere in the outposts of Ghetto Land, not a Top 10 city in the United States of America in 2009.

Also, why not make at least 5 of the 9 positions represent specific areas of the city. With all of the positions being at-large, there is no sense of urgency to address neighborhood-specific issues. Too many of the Council reside in the same (or similar) neighborhoods to give ALL Detroiters a real chance to have their voices heard.

My pastor said last night in a meeting that if anything is to grow, change must take place. Detroit, let's get this thing growing soon, and let's start by changing the City Council's way of doing things.

BEAN-TOWN BASKETBALL (Say it like Mason)

- My Celtics (I've been down since the days of Cornbread Maxwell) are on the verge of signing Stephon Marbury. A scary proposition to some, I say good move, Ainge. This is not about whether he fits in or if he affects their ability to repeat as champs. No, that's too easy a post. It's about teams going against the grain. You see, as a sports fan, I am tired of the copycat-ism (Is that a real word?) of every team in pro sports today.

Everybody always tries to copy what the most recent championship team has done in the exact same way. Or everyone will only look to sign a "certain" kind of player. What has happened to the types like Al Davis (before dementia kicked in) or Jerry Jones (what? you say he still does?) that will sign a player who may not be popular, but doggone it, can help his team win.

Doc Rivers said it best. He was asked why sign Marbury when they are the defending champs this year? His response was "So we can be the defending champs next year." Classic. When you have strong leadership, you can make these kinds of calculated moves and look to string up championship banners. HEY! Sports owners! Take a chance, stop sticking to formulas and try winning! It will cure a lot of what ails you.


- I got a response from a publishing company who was forwarded a copy of the manuscript for my first book, You're a Winner! (In Jesus Christ). They are reviewing it and will give me further response on whether they will support it in terms of publishing or not. I must say that I am excited and look forward to this becoming the reality that it will become.

Because it is a Christian book, I don't look to make it to Oprah with it. Seeing that she does not really proclaim her Christianity (maybe she is not, or most likely, not trying to offend those in her audience who are not). Anyway, with God ordering the steps I am taking, I can only trust and believe that He will make a way! I know that He's able, I know that He will and I know that it shall be done.

Be Blessed Y'all.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

DAY 55:

Primary Day!!!!!

- The D takes a big step today to reset the future of this, one of the last Industrial Outposts in this Digital America. On today, 2 of the 15 candidates will be duly elected as the finalists for the General Election in May.

As many of you know, The Dynasty did not provide an endorsement, however, I would have to say that either Dave Bing or Warren Evans would seem to be the smartest choices. One critical piece I would like to note is that whoever gets the big chair at the Manoogian would be wise to reach out and look to include, in some capacity, those who do not make the General Election. A Freman Hendrix has a ton of experience to offer up as a Deputy Mayor or some other high position. Pulling in Dave Bing to assist on an economic plan could work wonders. No doubt, Ken Cockrel Jr., if he does not get the vote, would still have an influential say as President of the Council again. (BTW, does he go back to the Council if he is not voted mayor?)

Forecasts have been down on the level of voter participation in the city formerly known as Motown (When isn't a prediction regarding The D a bad one?) But I have confidence that the pundits will be wrong again. BTW, aren't all pundits excessively negative in their comments regarding ANYTHING these days? Let's go, Big D, show the world what's up as far as the new day in city politics!

Final Four Outlook

- I am starting to get up for the Final Four, coming this April to Ford Field. I have not had cable for about 6 months now, and I was able to slide thru football season ok, thanks to Fox, CBS & NBC. But basketball is different. It requires cable for ESPN, FSN, VS, and the like. Heck, CBS & ABC don't even focus on college hoops til, like January. So, through the miracle of the Internet, I have kept up with what's going down as much as possible.

Here is how it looks as of today. North Carolina will be there. They are too good, too talented and have too much experience not to make it. UConn will fall just short. Watch in the Sweet 16 or Elite 8, some team will continue to attack C Hasheem Thabeet early, get him in foul trouble and win going away in the last 8 minutes. Oklahoma will be surprised by a team that shoots the lights out from long distance. The home state team, Michigan State, will need Kalin Lucas and Durrell Summers to take over the end of close games and will make the drive down I-96 to make it. I may be a homer, but you know what, it's My Blog, and I like the Spartans' chances, depending on the bracket draw.

So that's two teams, State and UNC. Who are the others, you ask? Well Pittsburgh is a tough team, but you know how the referees call games differently in the Big East than in the rest of the free world. Those bruising types are usually not allowed to get down like that in the Tournament, watch for them to exit in the Sweet 16. Something is telling me the Wildcats of Villanova will be a surprise team. Don't ask me why, it is what it is. And finally, the 4th member will be... either Clemson, Xavier or some team not even in the Top 25 right now. All it takes is for the right team to slip in as the 10-12th seed in a region, have a Junior or Senior who takes his game up to near-NBA level play and carry his team to the Motor City.

See, I understand that's how it will happen because it is my Sportsfan's 6th Sense concerning the Tournament. One, there is always some team you don't expect to be there (George Mason, etc.) And then Two, some older player always becomes Superman in March. It's guaranteed, lock it up and enjoy! I'll check back on this periodically as I try to scheme up on some tix before it gets too close to April.

A Dog's Life

- I am amazed at how many people are trying to bury Michael Vick. Ok, he did do something rather ugly ot the dogs that did not fight well thru his Bad Newz Kennel. Ok, he did get ratted out by his "boys," who were so scared of doing some light time to give up their $100 million brother. BTW, they were as guilty as he was, but they turned states evidence to avoid any time in the can. If you can't do the time, don't do the time. Lesson in economics fellas, you don't kill the golden goose! Have we learned nothing from the life of Biggie? But I digress.

Anyway, as my man Mike Vick is getting closer to his release date in July, now the "insiders" around the NFL are saying they don't know if he will be back. Or if he will play QB when he comes back.

To that I say, his arm is better than 95% of the League right now. He's faster than 100% of starting QBs right now. I bet you he's hungrier than every QB not named Tom Brady in the League. His decision-making ability will be better now, there is something about losing freedom due to bad choices that makes one want to make better choices going forward.

Despite all of that, I say that the NFL could use him because he is a player that makes plays. He may not be the classic, drop-back passer, but how many of those QBs are there in the League that are winning titles? Brady has not won since the 05 Super Bowl. Peyton Manning has not won since the 07 Super Bowl. Big Ben in Pittsburgh is not your stand still pocket passer, and he's got two rings since 05. A player that makes plays is worth his weight in gold. Someone with the cajones and brains (Parcells, perhaps?) will get him signed, do the necessary song and dance with Commissioner Goodell and have him on the roster. Maybe to not play a lot this year coming, but with an eye on the future. Good luck Mike, do well brother.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
- I am still looking for an agent, it's a tedious process. However on the publishing front, I did receive a request to send out a manuscript to a publisher who will get back with me within a week or so. This is one that I do feel much more comfortable with already. There is no guarantee, but I am excited about the prospects. We shall see what direction God is moving us toward soon. And don't forget, when God makes this happen like it should, He will always get the glory, because I am just a servant to His divine, anointed and perfect will! Peace and Love to all the brothers and sisters in the Faith and in the Walk!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

F the NY Post!

No Title Needed

- I am pissed off! The unmitigated gall of the NY Post has arisen once again! The nerve of this rag fit for only wrapping dead fish to compare the wild chimpanzee to our esteemed president is fit for lining cat litter boxes. Whoever is the cartoonist deserves to lose his or her job! The editors who allowed this bullcrap to reach print deserves to be suspended, if not fired! The NY Post deserves to be boycotted or even done like the chimp in the 'toon, shot to the ground!

The Post is a piece of trash rag that only can survive by trying to enflame the masses. That it is based in NYC is a disgrace to the rats and cockroaches that fester Gotham City. If only the Joker would blow up the printing presses that churned out that b.s. like he did the hospital in The Dark Knight.

More NYC Bull

- The continuing saga of NY Yankee A-Fraud is almost funny. So, let me get this straight, from his press conference. He and his cousin (no name) decided to give him a shot (of unknown substance) twice a month for six months from 2001-2003 after he signs a contract worth $250 million? He takes a chance once he procures the richest contract in the history of professional sports? Does he really think people are that stupid? Who is giving him his advice? Who is writing his notes for these conferences and interviews?

So we are supposed to believe that he only took these performance-enhancing drugs after he arrived in Texas? Not before, when he was unproven and it would make more sense to do it while he established his name? Then his use in Texas would be to maintain his performance. Certainly not after his time in Texas, where he only went to NY, the media market of the world? Come on, A-Fraud. Come clean like Jeru (Big Ups, Redman) before they go phase two and dig even deeper. You were once somebody, maintain your dignity while there is some left.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
- It is the day before the NBA trading deadline, and all thru the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even the mouse-like GM's looking to improve their teams. Tyson Chandler gets traded just to save money. The salary cap is set to go down next year, for the 1st time I can recall.

I am of the belief that too many teams are being too cost-conscious. I understand having a business model in place and these are hard economic times. But still, I hear of too many teams that are looking to make trades just to save money, not to make their teams better. Only the Cavaliers are looking (of the best 5 teams) to make a deal that will solely boost their chances of a championship.

Come on owners! You guys are multi-millionaires in businesses other than the NBA. Live a little. You will not go belly up for losing some money with your rich little toys. You can subsidize with extended playoff runs, rather than simply cut payroll. Think about it. If your teams are not competitive because of the roster moves just to save dollars, the paying customers will not support you anyway.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
We shall close out this post talking about faith. God looks for us to have faith in Him, His Will, His Way and His Word. When we see, think and live in faith, God rewards us! He is taking us on a journey to obtain that Abundant life of John 10:10, and faith is the way we will get there!

Don't look at the economy and think God cannot make it happen for you! Don't get stuck on the bad news on the news and think God has lost any power! Don't get focused on the facts that seem to bombard us through various outlets all decrying the collapse of our current and past way of life! God is still in control! He's never been anything but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! The cattle on a thousand hills still belongs to the Lord! He still turns the heart of leaders like the wind and will make things work out just for you!

If you have the faith. The unfiltered belief and trust that God is the True head of your life.

Live long and live well, in Jesus' name. You are a Winner!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Definition of a Dynasty

Pittsburgh Steeler Football.
Does anything else need to be said?

Valentine's Day Massacre


- Valentine's Day
I am amazed at what passes for the "holiday" known as Valentine's Day. For the fellas such as myself, it is a day totally dedicated to paying through the nose for gifts and items like trinkets to show the woman in your life how much you care for her. Like my dear, sainted, departed mother would tell us in the house, "I don't need a calendar to show you that I love you." This ought to be a rather regular occurrence, brothers. A day like last Saturday, to quote FDR, "Is a day that will live in infamy." Because gentlemen, that is to now, "for good and all," to be known as a day where the men usually get pimped. The ladies are usually the BIG winners from it and we, the usual BIG LOSERS from it, get served.

- The Genius of Coach K
I am also very amazed by the "genius" of Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski. True indeed, he has won 3 national championships (the most of any active coach), but how can the national basketball "experts" not see through the crap he is passing off as championship-level hoops. I mean, for real though, does he really intend to win it all without Any semblance of an inside game? He has for the last 4 years, not even tried to trot out a fascimile of a viable post player. Not since the glory days of Shelden "The Landlord" Williams has Duke even put a breathing body within 6 feet of the hoop. This total disregard and abdication of the inside game has left Duke totally punchless late in the season and especially during the Tournament, when teams adjust to their 3-Point gunning and inevitable fake and drive game.

Yet and still, every year, the writers rank Duke in the Top 10 or 5 based on "The Genius of Coach K." Every year, their recruiting class is ranked very highly, despite the complete omission of post players. Looks like the genius fell in love with the 3-point shot over a good balanced attack.

Let's wake up to some realities. One, it's been almost 8 years since '01 (the last title). Two, both Maryland and archrival UNC have won titles since then. Three, Duke has not made it to the Sweet Sixteen in how many years running? Four, where have the days of inside bangers like Mark Alarie, Jay Bilas, Laettner, Cherokee Parks, Carlos Boozer and The Landlord gone? Five, I could have coached the Olympic Team to the Gold if I had CP3, Kobe, Bron, Wade & Melo. Six, when Phoenix started the similar pattern in the pros, D'Antoni had Stoudemire to attack the post and it Did Not when any championships.

I used to be a Duke fan, even before I saw the Carolina-Blue Light. Now you can mark me as a genuine critic of the fraudalent product now known as Duke basketball and the "genius" that is Coach K.

Time to pull the Plug on This:
- I saw the clips of the dunk contest today (sorry, no cable). But if I had watched it live, I would have been sooooooooooooooooo bored and tired from the thing. It is not a joke, but a growing contest to see who can pull out the most props, costumes and reminders of days gone by.

What it shows is a lack of creativity in the ability to dunk (except for D. Howard, the real Superman). What made the past contests so sick was that the dunks were off the hinges! The show that Vinsanity put on in Oakland or J-Rich in 04 was that their (all together now) DUNKS were Crazy! If the Association wants to really make the contest something, they should take a few of my suggestions. I of course am an expert (what, being a 6'3 PF in my day with few dunks in my portfolio).

One, have a minimum of 6 quality dunkers. 4 is not enough, because if one guy chokes, misses or whatever, there is still the chance of an upset. Two, barring injury, give the defending champion an automatic spot. What, you say players are not interested? Three up the ante on the prize. What player would pass up an increased prize of, say, $100,000? Four, get Sprite to commit to a commercial package for the Champion for the duration of the season (a four-month slot, tops). This will ensure that a potential player (like G. Green) goes from League-Only name to potential household name. Just my thoughts, but something worth reviewing.

Today's Obvious Book Plug of The Day:
- I got a letter from a publisher the other day. I opened and read it, it said they was suckers. (Big Ups, PE) They did not want to go with my book for a possible publication. It did not fit what they were looking for. They then referred me to a self-publishing company they refer to people and said that for a mere $10,000, they will produce nearly 4,000 books for me. I could not even get upset about the news. That publisher was obviously not the one through whom God has intended for me to utilize. The day is coming when the right opportunity will present itself.

Let me take this time to encourage someone reading this. God has a sense of timing that so far surpasses what & when we think something should happen, it is mind-blowing! I am so confident that God knows what He is doing! I was teaching my class a very important principle of faith the other day. Sit down, because this will blow your mind as well. God knows what He is doing. I know that is the deepest thing you've heard in 2009. Let me say, He really does and those things which are to take place in the will of God must take place in the fullness of time. If it had to happen in the life of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, surely it must be that same way in ours! Rest in that y'all!

Before I Let Go:
- You know, I have watched Goodfellas an innumerable amount of times. I can't believe I did not list Tommy as the most insane, psychotic killer ever in the movies. My apologies to Joe Pesci who made Tommy live. You, my friend are Number One in that category.

Peace Out Peoples.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A New Hope

Day 43:

- A New Hope in the D? I was almost at a point thinking that to leave my city of my birth was going to be a realistic option to pursue. However, a good trip downtown left me filled with a new hope for life in the city. A trip to the Borders bookstore, seeing the development of the downtown area left me brimming with pride. Not the kind of pride that brings one down, bordering on hubris. This kind of pride is more of a strong civic pride. The kind of pride that lets me see that a new mayor (Hendrix? Bing? Evans?) with the right kind of vision can make Motown our kind of town again.

If Baltimore, Cleveland and Philadelphia can enjoy renaissances, surely the Renaissance city that is home the Renaissance Center (my pardon to GM), can do likewise. I do not portend to know what the source of the vision or renaissance will be, but then again, I am no mayoral candidate. I am just a concerned citizen of the great city of Detroit (say it with a French accent). I love my city. I don't want to leave my city. Let's just do better Detroit.

Those Pistons:
- In 1991 the great De La Soul came out with their classic joint, De La Soul is Dead. In 2009, we can officially say the Detroit Pistons are dead. The hopes of even a good playoff run are dead. The hopes of home court advantage in the 1st round are dead. I am reminded of DeNiro in The Untouchables, in which he wanted total obliteration of Elliot Ness and his family.

This version of the Stones (who came up with that nickname anyway?) lacks all of the characteristics that made this version champions. No defense, no crisp ball movement, no urgency. It has been touched on before, but the chip on the shoulders of Wallace, Wallace, Billups, Hamilton and Prince has been replaced by the rock of entitlement on this group.

They don't have the moxie neccessary to turn up the pressure needed to be those contending fellas from the D that they used to be. It is time to take this ship in another direction. Joe, do the right thing and blow this thing up as soon as possible. This recent 3-game losing streak? Getting blown out by Phoenix, choking up when leading by 14 points in the FOURTH quarter to the Bulls and then losing at home to the Hawks show is unacceptable. Curry should not survive another season on the bench and this group needs to be dismantled.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
- I am continuing in my search to get my book out there. It is not an easy process. It helps if one has a publishing deal lined up or an agent already beating the bushes for you. I am still getting that part of it all together now. I have taken some lumps learning this part of the writing process, but if I may quote a line from one of my favorite movies, Star Wars: Episode III, as the Emperor said, "The attempt on my life has left me scarred and disfigured, but my resolve is stronger than ever!" I am guaranteed by God that success is mine! If you are also a child of God, you have a guarantee too! That is what the Bible promises to us! Somebody who does not have Jesus can never understand what this feeling is like! Praise God for His guaranee of success!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Shamockery that is A-Rod

What's Up Peoples?

- You have got to be kidding me.
Are you trying to tell me that we are supposed to give Alex (A Fraud) Rodriguez credit for admitting he used steroids? Credit for what? For admitting he got caught because it was about to come out that he was using roids? For facing his critics by confessing guilt? For now admitting that what he said on 60 Minutes was a lie?

Help me to understand this like I'm a 6 year old. He does roids from 2001-2003 (Like he only started and/or stopped in that time frame), then gets tested in 03, gets told he "may have been caught" by an union official in 04, lies about using them to his team's owner, lies about it in 07 on 60 Minutes, then admits it after he is about to be exposed in 09. So, tell me again, what part, exactly is admirable?

- Continuing in this vein. Part Two of this madness goes on like this. He admits that he used "banned substances" for three years in his interview with ESPN. Ok. Problem number one, he then says that he does not know what substances were used. But he knows they were banned substances. Pardon me, but, if A-Fraud don't know what substances they were, how does he know they were banned? Secondly, how idiotic of him to put unkown "banned subtstances" in his body if he just signed a $250 million contract? Is A-Fraud that dumb or does he think the public, the buying public is that dumb? In any regards, this clown should be banned from baseball. Not for roid use, he's probably only 1 of hundreds caught up in the tidal wave of uses from the "Steroid Era." Ban A-Fraud for extreme stupidity. His track record shows he's a Hall of Famer in that. Lord knows, his playoff record is not.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
- I am in the process of going through potential agents to get my book deal together. I have sent manuscripts to a couple of publishers. Not enough movement on that front. After exchanging emails with an editor, I was given the direction of following up with agents that might be able to make something happen in the best possible way for me, and so I am pursuing it.

You know when David and his men lost everything at Ziklag, the men were murderously mad with David. In a good moment of prayer, David asked should he pursue the lost people and items, or should he start over. God told him to pursue. Pursue with all of your might the things that God has for you and let Him guide you to where you must go to get all of your things that have been unfairly taken away. Pursue with all of your might! Go get what's yours!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


DAY 41:

- The Road to The Manoogian is getting ready to kick into overdrive. You get Dave Bing, Freeman Hendrix and Ken Cockrel leading the pack of people seeking the D's highest office. I hope that no matter who gets the post, that they regard it with the utmost respect. It has not happened for some time. It did not just start with Kwame or even Coleman, this runs much deeper than that.

A real love for the citizenry of Detroit is shown, not just with words, but with actions. Selfless actions. Actions truly seeking the greatest, common good. I don't know who I will endorse (I know the world is waiting with baited breath), but I do hope and pray Detroit gets this one right. It was almost done right in '05, I guess Detroit is up to bat in the 9th inning on this choice. Get a good hit, D-town and take this game of Survival to extra innings.

- In Other News:
The Pistons are looking at Amare. The man has shown Detroit the neccessary love of words that all pending traded players should show. C'mon Joe, pull the trigger. The truth is, your boys ain't going anywhere as presently constituted. A 2nd-round flameout at best is what the Bad Boys II are staring at.

- The Queens of the Jungle have cut 6 players, including the dude they traded Shaun Rogers to get. So let me get this straight. You trade Dre' Bly for a guy you cut, a rookie who does not make the team and another guy who sometimes starts (but can't stay on the field due to penalties), then you trade your Pro Bowl DT for a guy you release after 1 year and 1 INT. Boy, people cannot wonder how this group went 0-16.

- Here's a clue for Mayhew: Talent wins in the NFL. Don't go out like the other guy, you know the one who set up this Titanic and is about to get another TV gig. Then again, if you can get a TV gig after the worst 8-year run in the NFL, maybe you should consider doing likewise.

- Obvious Book Plug of the Day:
There are days when we do not feel like winners. Either because of something we've done, or sometimes from things outside of our control. Whatever is the cause, we have to ALWAYS know and maintain what I like calling The Winner's Edge. That comes from the fact that in all ways and at all times, we are STILL the Children of God! No matter how rocky the ride gets, God still is in control! He is still in charge of life! And He is ALWAYS looking out for us! My Pastor, Dr. Everett N. Jennings, Sr. has been preaching some awesome series of sermons this year! The 1st was All Things are Mine in 2009, followed by How Do You Fix A Broken Life and this new one is It's Been Confirmed. We can never think that life is too much for us. God is still on the Throne, and He has said (time and again), that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He is with us always, even unto the end of the world! So don't give up, give out or give way; give God a chance!

FYI: Star Wars is the greatest movie series of All-Time, it's not even close. Even with the convoluted, not too well-planned Luke-Leia relationship in Empire Strikes and Return of the Jedi. It has stood the test of time and its action scenes are incomparable. However, only Episodes 3 and 5 made my Top 20 Movies of All-Time. But that just shows I'm not a Sci-Fi geek, I have a good mix of flicks, I'll have to print it one day soon. One to break into the List though will be 300 and potentially The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger did play the fool out of the joker. The best pyschopath since DeNiro in Cape Fear.

Last But Not Least: I forgot to tell y'all that I love music of several different types. We must chat some tunes, and lest anyone gets it twisted, P-Funk and Old School Hip-Hop is sitting on top of the world with Motown and Disco trailing.

Peace out.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I forgot to add a couple of Critical Things.

1) I Love Movies, and unless I am in violation of some unknown Hollywood law, will quote them endlessly.
2) I can be a little forgetful, so I will try to write these great ideas down before I start hammering away at the computer.


How Long Does it Take?

It's been like, less than an hour. How long does it take for my blog to get some hits?
Come on, get with it people, wake up and get moving!


The First Day

Seeing how this is the First Day of my new existence as a blogger, let me give you the lay of the land.

1) I am a Child of God, First and Foremost.

2) I am Opinionated on many things, if you do not want opinions, you've got the wrong place.

3) I am an Author, so you can expect the first of my books to show up soon.

4) I love Sports, so you will see that Here as well.

5) I love Detroit, it will be a Mainstay of this blog.

6) I LOVE using capital letters, even if it Violates the Rules of standard Grammar & Styles.

(It's ok though, I graduated with a degree in Journalism and minor in English, I can do it.)

7) I am looking for other bloggers to share and provide information.

8) My blogging will be frequent, Check me out, This should be good!

Day 40:

- Former Mayor Kwame is coming back from his trip to the other "Big D." I for one wishes he would not have taken the city down on his joyride down Embarrassment Ave., but hey, too late for that. The man was guilty of his crime, now it is time for the next phase of his life to begin. What I do wish though, is that the media and even bashers would come down from the self-righteous position many of them are in and allow the man to move on. His petitioning of the court to move to Dallas to obtain employment and reunite with his family should be a 10 minute process.

- The Detroit Pistons have completely fallen off the Map of Relevancy. They may have only lost by 10 to Phoenix last night, but it might has well been by 40. I did not see the game, but my god, they have completely free fallen to the ranks of better than average, but worse than great. If there are any fans with championship aspirations, PLEASE let them die an honorable death and not look for them until the (everyone together) dreaded "Summer of '10."

Speaking of which, Piston fans, don't hype yourself to think that D-Wade, Lebron or Bosh will be coming then. Except in opponents' uniforms. The Pistons has NOT EVER been a team that has drawn big-time free agents. Enough of the charade! Joe D., just draft wisely, make prudent trades, sign good 2nd-Tier FA's and we can get on with reality.

- My goodness! I am thoroughly convinced that though President Obama has been in office for all of what, 3 weeks (check my math; it's suspect), it's amazing the type of ambition he has for the work before him.

He has set a goal to attack the problems troubling this country (way to leave it in good shape, GW - obvious call of the day). The stimulus package will be approved this week, Biden set Iran straight this weekend, the infrastructure will be strengthened soon, and America can embark on the fulfillment of its creed to all.

Book Plug of the Day: My first book, You're a Winner (in Jesus Christ) is getting closer to being published every day. What I intend to do in order to prep the public for this will be to share either direct pages, quotes or the mentality that motivated me to put it together. It is what my Lord put in my heart as the 1st of several books.

When it does come out, I pray that it reaches and impacts those in need of it the most. The days in which our lives are now playing out in, are unlike what I can ever recall seeing. I remember hearing of the days of the Depression, was young during Reaganomics etc., but this is going to be a crazy ride.

The Most Important Thing to take with you is to remember that we are not in this journey alone. God will never leave us, nor forsake us. You Are a Winner (in Jesus Christ), nothing is impossible, all things are possible in Jesus; It's Been Confirmed (thank you pastor), All Things are Mine in 2009!