Monday, March 16, 2009



- And now, we get another challenger for the Big Seat in the Manoogian, as of Saturday Night. Councilman Kwame Kenyatta announced his candidacy for the position of mayor of the Big D. So that makes Kenyatta, Mrs. Conyers (who's trying to slip her name out as a write-in candidate), as well as the winner of the run-off election in May, the winner of said election in May, countless others who will throw their names in the hat between now & August, and a partidge in a pear tree.

Mr. Kenyatta said in an interview that he will be the type of mayor that can connect with the people in a way unlike any since Coleman Young. Wow. C. Young did not always connect with people, he was devisive to the Metro area and became the epitome of a career politician whose individual agenda at times, subverted the best for the majority. I'm not sure if that is the best for Detroit in 2009. We shall see.

I'm sorry, call me a rapidly developing cynic re: Politics in the Big Mo, but the position of mayor should have such a high bar attached to it, that only those of the finest records and public acclaim, should even consider themselves worthy of putting together the right campaign for it. It seems to be kinda cheapened when anyone with the fee to enter/names on petitions or whatever, throw their proverbial hats in the ring.

I have no beef with Mr. Kenyatta, do not know him, and cannot say if his record on the Council makes him worthy of the biggest job in the city. I do hope that if he does run, and win, that he does he very level best to return the D to its place in the country and world. I'm not sure if lookling back is the best way to go forward.

She's Out & About

- Christine Beatty was released from jail this morning after serving 67 days in Wayne County. I can say after having everything shake down after the trial that started it all, her behavior on the witness stand was Ground Zero. I can't help but think that if she had not been so obtuse and outright defiant, things may have gone differently. IMO, I said, if I was a lawyer, I'd be most likely to keep digging too, with her antics on the stand. Little did I know at the time, that she and Kwame knew about the text mesgs, etc.

But that was then, I digressed. She seemed so very humble upon her release, but still showed some attitude by the amount of media covering her at the jail this morning. She seemed anxious ot get home to see her children, no issue there. She did seem surprised and even agitated that movement was a little difficult. However, this was a big story and coverage was reflective of that. I think that she was hoping for a little less pub on this.

Here's hoping that she can reshape her life. Being divorced (with children), a felon, barred from getting into the legal profession and attached to a major scandal will be tough barriers to overcome. With much work and a renewed spirit, the possiblity is there. She has her 2nd chance now, I hope she can get the kind of sweetheart gig Kwame got. I've said from the start that both of them should get the exact same treatment. Step up (again), Mr. Karmonos.

Are U Ready?

- In the words of Flavor Flav, "Yeeeeeah Boyeeee!" Big ups, PE. The Madness is ready to begin. I'm not gonna trip on teams that shouldn't have gotten in (Arizona, take a bow). Those types of teams usually get dropped by the 1st weekend anyway. The Tournament will be underway Thursday @ 12, and it will be on and crackin for 3 weekends.

My Spartans are #2 in the Midwest and of course, people are picking Louisville to run through the region. All I can say is that to beat a good pressing team, it helps to have a dynamic point guard (Kalin Lucas) and a runing team to take advantage of the opportunities the press creates. With those horses, Izzo can make it happen. All I can say is, the regional final in Indy could look like the 500 with all of the running expected to take place.

My pick is, and has been for the entire season, UNC. Too many horses, too much firepower, too much experience, too good a coach, too much of everything. As long as Duke does not win, I will be happy. If UNC or State wins, I will be estatic. I expect to be smiling come 3 weeks from now in one way or another.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- I am headed into a conference designed to bring about some major decisions re: You're A Winner! (In Jesus Christ). The delays will be removed, the gas pedal will be hit, and some real progress will be made. In this climate, things are moving slower than expected, but into each life, some rain must fall.

I am no less confident in God's ability to make things happen than ever, and I am so excited about what He intends to do. In any case, I hope to list some progress very soon. His grace is sufficient for all that we stand in need of, so give Him the praise!

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