Wednesday, March 11, 2009



* I took a few days off celebrating my birthday. Had to thank God for 38 glorious years. Even in the days and nights that I could not realize how much He was carrying me, God has at least allowed me to become cognizant of His ever-abiding presence. To all of my brothers and sisters who I grew up with that are not here today, to them and you I say, God is still good!

Goodbye & Good Riddance?

- And now the Kwame Kilpatrick era is officially over? A judge ruled just a few hours ago that former mayor Kilpatrick can go to Texas to begin his job with Covisint. We all know that the job was a gift from Peter K., owner of Compuware for the sweet deal on the Compuware Building. So Kwame takes said gig, goes to Dallas, is never heard from again, should have the restitution bill being paid on a monthly basis and all's well that ends well, right?

Here's the kicker. He has filed a $100 million lawsuit against Skytel for exposing the very text messages that caused much of the drama for the last 14 months. So a new fight has begun, where, at some point Kwame will be coming back to The D for statements, testimony and the like. It remains to be seen whether the texts are considered public property (the pagers WERE city government property) or private domain (there was an apparent understanding that private messages could be sent). In any case, my fair Detroiters, we have NOT seen or heard of the last of Kwame Malik Kilpatrick. Like a bad movie, this just keeps going on and on and ...

BTW, what is the betting line that in about 6 years, Kwame returns to The D, "reformed and matured," and ready for a new run at city politics? God help us if so.

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

- So the City Clueless Council is ready to go to court over the veto by Mayor Cockrel. This nightmare continues over Cobo Hall. If this plays out for long, regardless of the possible outcome, what are the chances that the regional authority proposition dies on the vine? And then, what exactly happens?

Are we to rely on a Council that has been so far unable to draft a workable plan to renovate the rapidly dilapidating building? And then we watch as the Rock Financial building in Novi starts to gobble up several events and the Palace or other suburban entities make headway on more events until the few events that Detroit has coming through Cobo are rendered meaningless and powerless to stop the pitiful complete washout of the "Jewel of the City?"

C'mon people! This is an utter cluster! This will not end up good for the City. The posturing of politicians with an overinflated sense of self is pathetic. There are other pressing items on the agenda. Let's not get started on the school system, police response time, dwindling tax base or any myriad of other concerns. Council! Wake up and let's get Cobo taken care of! There is only one way to handle your business, and that's to handle it.

You're All Mad!

- Thank God! It is just about that time of the year! Less than 10 days away before the start of the NCAA Tournament. The conference tourneys are going and I am getting so geeked up! My Spartans are on a warpath, looking to begin a campaign destined to end @ Ford Field for the Final Four. The UNC Tar Heels just put it on Duke, buzzer beaters are coming in from Sioux Falls and all over. Life feels good.

- In addition to the Spartans and Heels, the other Final Four teams will come from this group:
Louisville, Oklahoma, Villanova, Missouri and outside shot for LSU. Pitt will meet the wrong team in the Sweet 16, and UConn will choke in the Elite 8. Call it a hunch.

- As a lifelong sports fan, there is no better time of the year for me than the first 2 days of the Tournament. The upsets, game-winning shots and hot runs of players seemingly out of nowhere. The cats like Bryce Drew, Patty Mills, Kent State, Ed Pinckney and VCU. It's the real "Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- It's real simple. As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thine ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."

- Trust God and He will cause for your gifts to bring you before great men!

Peace in the Middle East. I'm out like shout.

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