Thursday, March 12, 2009

Short and Sweet

Short & Sweet

- Today's post will be Short & Sweet. Nothing too detailed today, but enough to whet your appetite hopefully for more.

Don't Worry, Be Happy

- Believe you me, I understand that today's climate economically, socially, etc. is shaky. Not since the great earthquake of 06 has the land been this unstable. However, I must say that today's society does not only feed on negativity, it thrives on it! It's like Ghostbusters 2 (The Classic, lol) where NYC and its residents could only get excited about the worst of the worst.

Well, The D is truly there now. Everything, it seems, on the news is negative. So much so that my Pastor, E.N. Jennings, Sr. had the church to avoid the news for a week. Believe you me, it does the spirit good. With nothing but layoffs, bailouts, crime, scandals, confrontations, drug use, stds on the rise, et. al., the mind of man needs to not only avoid the negative, but also someway, somehow, embrace the positive.

I know that sounds like some Bobby Mc Ferrin stuff there, but for real, Think Positively and Grow Rich. Things Will Change! But they must first start in the Mind.

Where's Martha?

- Everyday, the Clueless Council gives us something else to laugh at. This week, Martha Reeves said that Jay Leno's free concert for unemployed workers in the detroit area should not be @ the Palace (Donated for free, I may add), but in Detroit.

You see, Leno made the faux paus of talking about Detroit for the concert, but then set the concert @ the Palce of Auburn Hills. Again, the Palace was donated. As this will be the weekend of the Final Four, the larger Detroit venues are not readily available. Madam Reeves does not care, and then not only insisted Leno do the show in Detroit, but then had the temerity to tell him, Auburn Hills is 90 minutes away! I've worked in Auburn Hills for 4 years, I'm sorry, but the drive there from downtown Detroit is 45 minutes, tops.

Besides, Leno is doing a benefit for workers in the area, regardless of how close to Detroit they are. Martha, it is ok if he donates his gift for free at the Palace. Get a clue and focus on the bigger issues, madam Councilwoman.

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- God has called you into His Marvelous light for a Purpose. Let HIM guide you, and allow you to be the ligth of the World Jesus was referring to in Matthew's Gospel. Your salvation was not just to keep you out of Hell, but so that your life and testimony would be a blessing, gift, etc. to those that you come into contact with. Even on your worst of days, you can shine into someone else's life that is immersed in the darkness of these trying times.

Be Good y'all, told you I was being short. Deuces!

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