Friday, April 3, 2009



- It's almost Gametime for the Final 4! I was just down at Ford Field for the practice sessions and I must say, Detroit, you are doing it! The area looks good, the boys are in full effect and everyone is having a good time (despite an unusual chill for early April).

It will be on and crackin tomorrow when MSU goes up against UConn! I am looking for a Spartan W, but will not be surprised if the Huskies pull it out. Both teams match up well against the other. The X-factors in my eyes are, Stanley Robinson for UConn (dude is becoming a beast!) and Durrell Summers for MSU. He is the type who makes plays.

Back at It Again

- Council President Monica Conyers was insulting to fellow councilmembers and Detroiters overall when she in public, demeaned fellow councilmember Sheila Cockrel. Cockrel is the widow of Ken Cockrel Sr., late famed Detroit Attorney. But not only was she insulting, and even worse, this outburst caused NO WORK to be done about the Cobo mess. WHy does a personal issue take precedence over the work for the city she claims to love?

- Also, Cockrel apparently strong-armed the Housing Dept. into hiring her felonious brother for a 2-year period that was to last only 90 days. This type of nepotism and nefarious practice can do nothing but hurt an already hurt city. Detroit, it is high time that this cancer on the Council be removed, if not by a recall, then by NOT reelecting her in November. Do the Right thing Detroit!

Obvious Book Plug of the Day:

- Be safe this weekend, everyone. God is looking for those who will shine brightest in dark places and those who will emanate the glow of Calvary to a World rapidly descending towards Hell. Do what you Know He wants you to do.

That's it, just a Quickie. Holla back at you sooner than you think. Peace.

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